You can always tell who is a responsible and safe driver based on how they use their brakes. Some drivers always step on the gas instead of the brakes when they come to a yellow light. Some drivers constantly slam the brakes and some drivers seem to only have their foot on the brakes. Do you have that relative that you avoid riding in the car with because they drive like a maniac? Are they guilty of some of the scenarios listed above? It's important to know how to use your brakes and when they need replaced.
If you are driving in the city with a lot of stop and go traffic, you may need brakes sooner than later if you are only driving on the highway. The more force you apply to the brake pads, the faster it will wear away. When you use your brakes, heat is dispersed. The more heat that you generate will result in more fade in your brake pads.
Brakes typically need to be replaced every 40,000-55,000 miles depending on usage. Some brakes can last up to 70,000 miles.
We use quality ceramic brake pads which are designed to be quieter, put off less heat, and emit less brake dust than standard brake pads. Having ceramic brake pads can be the difference between life and death. Have you had to quickly press your brakes because there was something on the road, a car suddenly stopped in front of you, or a biker came out of nowhere and is suddenly a few feet away from your car? Our brake pads are more efficient and will make sure your car stops when you need it to. |